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Weekly E-vents Newsletter:



I'm including an email from Georgina Sham concerning Kin Ho's passing on September 27.

Dear Dancers,
I apologize for having lost a message I sent yesterday.  Here is the sad news.  Kin Ho passed away in his sleep yesterday.  It was a great shock to us all as he was dancing vigorously Monday and Wednesday evenings this past week!  He left us the way he wished:  In his own home and quickly.  For that we are also grateful but he will be sorely missed.  He has been teaching folk dancing for many years and we all think of him as our great teacher.  We will have a memorial for him to remember him and dance his dances soon.
Our hearts and support go to Jeanne Cate.  

There will be a Memorial Party November 10 from 12:30am to around 6:00pm with a Chinese dinner around 5:00pm. Please RSVP for the dinner.    See flier.

Folk Dance Center web site: www.folkdancecenter.org
Please go to our Facebook page at S.D. Folk Dance Center and join. I should note that this is the place to see pictures and videos of our events.
Cabrillo newsletter: https://sites.google.com/site/cabrillodancers/newsletter?authuser=0

All events are subject to change
Saturday, Oct 5
   7:00 – 10:00 pm. Live Bulgarian music with Varimezov family   $15 /$10 /$5
       Please bring a snack to share

Wednesday, Oct 9
   International Folk Dance
 with Martha Awdziewicz teaching.
   9:30 – 11:30 am Various levels of teaching and open dance
   Class 1067     Oct 2 - 30
$24/class with 4 sessions/ class. Must sign up thru Oasis https://san-diego.oasisnet.org/catalog/
or $6/class walk-in

Saturday, Oct 12
   7:00 – 10:00 pm. International Folk Dancing. With Chin teaching during the first hour. $10 /$5 /free

Saturday      DJ          Teacher

Oct 5       Live music with Varimezov family
Oct 12    Chin              Chin
Oct 19    Janice           Tony
Oct 26        Patti and Dean    Halloween Party - wear costumes!

Nov 2                       Vladimir and his group will perform and teach
Nov 9     Dance workshop with Tom Bozigian 6-8 pm.    Followed by dance party


Oct 5    Bulgarian music with the Varimezov's

Nov 9    Dance workshop with Tom Bozigian
Nov 10    Memorial Party for Kin Ho in Balboa Park Club Bldg
Nov 29-30    Kolo Festival, at the Russian Center in San Francisco!


Prices denotes Non-members/ $80 members/ $200 members
First time visitors and students half price to most Saturday events


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