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There will be a Memorial Party November 10 from 12:30am to around 6:00pm with a Chinese dinner around 5:00pm. Contact Georgina Sham at gbsham@gmail.com
 to sign up for the dinner.

Folk Dance Center web site: www.folkdancecenter.org
Please go to our Facebook page at S.D. Folk Dance Center and join. I should note that this is the place to see pictures and videos of our events.
Cabrillo newsletter: https://sites.google.com/site/cabrillodancers/newsletter?authuser=0

All events are subject to change
Saturday, Oct 19
   7:00 – 10:00 pm. International Folk Dancing. With Tony teaching during the first hour. $10 /$5 /free

Wednesday, Oct 23
   International Folk Dance with Martha Awdziewicz teaching.
   9:30 – 11:30 am Various levels of teaching and open dance
      Class 1067      Oct 2 - 30
$24/class with 4 sessions/ class. Must sign up thru Oasis https://san-diego.oasisnet.org/catalog/
or $6/class walk-in

Saturday, Oct 26
    7:00 – 10:00 pm. International Folk Dancing. With Patti & Dean teaching during the first hour.     
                                $10 /$5 /free Halloween Party - wear costumes!     Bring snack to share

Saturday      DJ             Teacher

Oct 19      Janice            Tony
Oct 26         Patti and Dean      Halloween Party - wear costumes!

Nov 2     Dave            Vladimir and his group Trite Pati will perform and teach
Nov 9    Dave             Armenian dance workshop with Tom Bozigian and Sheree King, 6-8 pm. Followed by dance party with lots of past favorites.
Nov 16  Janice           Tony
Nov 23  Dave             Mary Marshall
Nov 30          TBD


Nov 9     Armenian dance workshop with Tom Bozigian and Sheree King
Nov 10    Memorial Party for Kin Ho in Balboa Park Club Bldg
Nov 29-Dec 1    Kolo Festival, now at Croatian American Cultural Center, Note location & date changes



Prices denotes Non-members/ $80 members/ $200 members
First time visitors and students half price to most Saturday events


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